

Page history last edited by Gillian 16 years, 4 months ago




Notes on old campaigns written by Tara and annotated by me


Around Greenvale


The Countess and the Villain a political adventure set in County Westfar, Greenvale. Only sketched out at this point.

The Monastery's Honey an outline of a low-level adventure designed to start the PCs on a potential political thread

Fiendish Dragon Lair I really liked the idea of a fiendish little dragonling, but wanted a small dungeon for him to dwell in. Here it is.

Fire in Shadybrook Eric and his friends return home to discover that a mysterious fire has destroyed the house they were building. They suspect it was deliberate, but by whom, and why?


Lord Arcanes Plans Unfortunately, while the kidnapping worked, neither of the other plots came off.

Lord Arcane and the Bird musings on where to go from here. Not a real adventure, just my notes to myself.

Gate of the Orcs - Under Castle Louden, a gate leads to a region where orc tribes battle for supremacy.


Potential Adventures for a new Campaign:

Sewer Trouble new campaign in Marig - something is happening below the city. Swap out boring goblins!

L1-2 homebrew - dungeon with loot; no bandits! Meet Aris (KotSK NPC)

L2-3 homebrew - orcs attacking from forest; clear lair, find map leading to hidden temple - ties to ToA.

Dry Spell (L3) - swap eversoaking sponge for different item; bandit leader may tie to CotS

Wreck of the Emerald Princess (L3) - start in Newport or Saltmarsh - rescue a sunken ship while other crew tries to do same.

Bad Light (L4) - redo tower for non-cliff environment. PCs take tower back from evil. Note: similar baddies to Witching Season; blend them or change nature of evil creature in Bad Light.

Ministry of Winds (L5-6) - replace barghest? In Newport. PC's recruited by sister.

House of Harpies (L6) - could be allies of the bandits in BL or CoS. Ties to Temple of Aragh?

Witching Season (L6) - a small human-dominated village in the Barony of Pintar's Keep is having problems and puts out word that they seek to hire a small band of adventurers.

Start At the End (L7) - Dragon! In the hills to the west.

Through the Gate (L7) - homebrew idea - travel to alternate world, meet elves, rescue?

Into the Theives Guild (L8) - Marig? or maybe Newport. Modify nature of D's or of TG master.

Cave of the Spiders (L9) - bandits ravage the coutryside. This adventure needs to be foreshadowed with rumors of their activities. Ties to Temple? Maybe combine with Keep of the Shadow Knight.

Harvest of Evil (L10+) - have to make Paladin someone PCs have interacted with before. Knight of St. Ilyria? St. Stephen?


Other Areas

Perinocles - an adventure set in Miran, for a mid-level party

Trouble in Neomagi - another adventure set in Miran, intended for the same PCs as the Perinocles adventure. Unfortunately the campaign fizzled and this adventure was never finished.

Adventure in Harothport an information gathering trip that likely ends in an alley-bash (incomplete at this time)


The Asheseth Adventures

Quest for the Lost Magic of Aulindo a hunt for lost treasure under a sunken palace - this is a partial sketch of one portion of a much larger adventure.

Quest for the Lost Knights of Marathina - an alternative beginning tailored to a different adventuring group

Fieraven Journey - an overland trip

Imhaldir's Palace - a palace under a lake, unfinished and very rough. No map. Continues the Quest above.

Mount Asheseth - another chunk of the adventure above - this has the best overall outline of the plot

Asheseth Montarn - final chunk of the adventure outline.



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